Adjective as Object Complement

Monday, June 13, 2011
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There are two kinds of complements, subjects and objects complements.
Here we will discuss adjectives as object complements.
The adjectives used as complements follow the direct object and modify or refer to the direct object.
Pattern :
Subject +Verb + direct object + adjective 

Functions :

  • To show the result of the process indicated by the verb in the sentence.
examples  :
  1. Hilman painted the door green. ( Hilman painted the door. The result of the verb "painted" is that the door is green now)
  2. Vita washes her skirt clean ( Vita washes her skirt. The result of the verb "washes" is that her skirt is clean now)
  • To show a condition which is not the result of the process indicated  by the verb in the sentence.
Examples :
  1. Yudha found the room empty (Yudha found the room. When he found the room, it was empty)
  2. The detective found the victim. ( The detective found the victim .The victim was dead)
  3. I like my tea sweet. ( I like my tea sweet if it is sweet)
Other verbs which have those function are :

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