Grammar : The Using Of What, Which and How

Monday, June 13, 2011
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  • What...?
What + Noun (What color ....? / What kind...? etc.
  1. What color is your car ?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. What size is this shirt ?
  4. What kind of job do you want ?
 What without a noun :
  1. What's your favorite color ?
  2. What do you want to do tonight ?
  •  Which... ?
 Which + Noun (Things or people) :
  1. Which train did you catch - the 9:50 or the 10:30 ?
  2. Which doctor did you see- Doctor Ellis, Doctor Gray or Doctor Hill ?
 Which without a noun (not people)
  1.  Which is bigger- Canada or Australia ? but
  2. Who is taller  - Bill or Tom ? (Who for people )
What...? and Which..?
We say which when we are thinking about a small number (perhaps two, three or four things ) :
  1. We can go this away or that way. Which way shall we go ?
  2. There are four umbrellas here.
  • which one is yours ?
  • which is yours?
Use What in other situation :
  1. What is the capital of Mexico ?
  2. What kind of music do you like ?
Compare :
What color are your eyes ? (not "Which color...?) but which color do you prefer, pink or yellow ?

  • How...?
  1. How was the party last night ? "it was great"
  2. How do you usually get to work? "by bus"
How + Adjective/ adverb (how old / how big/ how fast, etc )
  1. How old is your father ?
  2. How tall are you ?
  3. How big is the house?
  4. How far is it to the bus stop from here ?
  5. How often do you go on vacation ?
(Taken From : Stepping More for Junior High School, 2005)

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