Makes a Good Argumentative

Monday, June 13, 2011
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To wirte a good argumentative you have to several points : 

  • Define the problem that forms your subject. You may define it by means of dscription, narration, classification, analogy anylysis or cuase and effect. Most probably you will need a combination of some of these, perhaps of all.
  • Analyze the nature of your problem . Be sure to include specific examples. Choose only the best. A few good example will be more effective than a superficial description of large number. For the analysis you will probably need to summarize, compare, contrast and classify parts of your material. To make your presentation of the material logical you will need introduction and deduction.
  • Include a full recognition of the opposing of view and analyze them to show their strength and weaknesses.
  • Resist the attemption to oversimplify the problem or the opinion of the opposition, an oversimplification may make your posisition seem stronger for the moment, but as soon as your readers have bad tie to think about I, they will realize that you are slanting the evidence.
  • Give your solution to he problem. If you have a solution, but admit it frankly if you have none.
  • End with your most convincing material suchas a brief restatement of your solution that you can remember easily.
  • Support your argument throughout the main body of your essay.
  • Appeal to your readers interest and symphathies. An argument based entirely on logic may convince your readers that your opinion is correct, but it may not move them to action. The most effective argument is also a persuasion.

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